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New U.S. EPA Generator Improvements Rule…

60+ changes in hazardous waste compliance practices and expansion of clean-up liability. Click for more information: Generator Improvements Rule

What’s In Your Dumpster?

Download your free proper disposal practices poster now: Dumpster Disposal Do’s & Don’ts


How do I participate in a webinar?

You simply participate from your location using a computer or other device with internet connection. There are no travel costs and no out-of-office time. Learn more

Hazardous Waste Manifesting and Shipping

December 7, 2022

A 3-hour live virtual classroom webinar
Cost: $299 per access point (plus $50 per participant for mandatory testing and certification)

Register Now

Hazardous Waste Management Complete…Both Basic Training and Manifesting & Shipping

November 30 and December 7, 2022

A 3-hour live virtual classroom webinar
Cost: $499 per access point (plus $50 per participant for mandatory testing and certification)

Register Now

Cal/OSHA Compliance & Inspection Management

Coming Winter 2022

A 3-hour live virtual classroom webinar
Cost: $299 per access point

Registration Not Yet Open