
James T. Dufour

James T. Dufour is an environmental and OSHA attorney, and Certified Industrial Hygienist with over three decades of experience in environmental and OSHA regulatory compliance and defense. His experience includes 20 years of private practice, and 12 years in private corporation and government service. He has been a consultant to the U.S. EPA, Fed/OSHA, trade associations, and businesses.

James T. Dufour

His defense practice includes representation of businesses and other organizations before administrative agencies involving U.S. EPA, OSHA, Air District, and Unified Program Hazardous Materials and Waste enforcement, as well as civil enforcement in the areas of Proposition 65, hazardous waste, federal Clean Air Act, EPCRA and CERCLA, and water (storm water).

He has written numerous OSHA and environmental compliance manuals—many of which were published by the California Chamber of Commerce—used by thousands of employers; and he has conducted hundreds of seminars for business representatives. He holds a law degree from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a B.S. and M.S. from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Dufour was admitted to practice in California in 1983.

What’s In Your Dumpster?

Download your free proper disposal practices poster now: Dumpster Disposal Do’s & Don’ts


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You simply participate from your location using a computer or other device with internet connection. There are no travel costs and no out-of-office time. Learn more

Hazardous & Universal Waste Management Training Webinar

September 19, 2024

A 3-hour live Zoom webinar
Cost: $499 per access point (plus $50 per participant for mandatory testing and certification)
No additional per-attendee charge if viewing from same connection/device! Register Now

Hazardous Waste Manifesting, Shipping, and GIR Emergency Response Training

September 26, 2024

A 3-hour live virtual classroom webinar
Cost: $499 per access point (plus $50 per participant for mandatory testing and certification)

No additional per-attendee charge if viewing from same connection/device!

Register Now

Hazardous Waste Management Complete…Both Basic Training and Manifesting, Shipping, and GIR Emergency Response Training

September 19 and 26, 2024

Two  3-hour live virtual classroom webinars
Cost: $699 per access point (plus $50 per participant for mandatory testing and certification)

No additional per-attendee charge if viewing from same connection/device!

Register Now

Cal/OSHA Compliance & Inspection Management

Coming Winter 2025

A 3-hour live virtual classroom webinar
Cost: $399 per access point

Registration Not Yet Open