2024 Hazardous Waste Manifesting, Shipping, and GIR Emergency Response Training
Category : Programs
This comprehensive 3-hour online training session, conducted in real-time via Zoom, is specifically designed for employers and employees in California who are engaged in the preparation of hazardous waste for off-site transportation. The training will address critical regulatory requirements, ensuring participants are well-informed about the latest obligations under both the Large Quantity Generator (LQG) Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations and Cal/OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training requirements – both now mandated under the new Generator Improvements Rule (GIR). By attending this session, participants will gain essential knowledge that enhances their compliance with state and federal regulations, thereby promoting workplace safety and environmental protection.
Do You Need This Training?
Training covers mandatory initial and periodic instructions for SQG and LQG with special emphasis on new LQG training requirements under DOT and Cal/OSHA HAZWOPER. Note: Any SQG exceeding 1,000 kgs or 1 kg or acute or extremely hazardous waste in any 1 month can immediately become an LQG. Also, any employee involved in the transportation of hazardous waste subject to DOT regulations must be trained:
- Overview of GIR generator size determinations and changes in regulatory requirements affecting off-site transportation of hazardous waste.
- Pre-transportation hazardous waste regulation requirements, including labeling, manifesting, and land disposal restrictions.
- DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) regulation familiarization and functional training requirements.
Training Topics Include:
- Introduction – Scope of DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations and applicability to hazmat employers and employees.
- Basic requirements for shipping and receiving hazardous materials, and shipping hazardous wastes.
- DOT Hazard Classes and Hazardous Materials Table.
- Shipping papers, including hazardous waste manifest and the e-manifest system.
- Additional requirements for hazardous materials shipping.
- HAZWOPER compliance strategy to address 24-hour proficiency requirement.
These and other important questions will be addressed during the webinar.
September 26, 2024